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The Business Times, 17 Jun 04

Casino resort study still in progress

I WOULD like to thank the authors of the letters, commentaries and articles in your paper following the Government's announcement in March that it is studying the development of an integrated entertainment resort, which may include a casino.

The proposed resort is a complex and major project with potentially significant economic benefits and social implications. We therefore have to carefully examine all the issues involved.

To help us in our study, we will engage international consultants and learn from industry experts. Much can also be learned from the experiences of other countries with similar developments. The study on the proposed resort development is still at a preliminary stage.

As the government has stated previously, a decision on whether to proceed with a casino component will be made only after careful deliberation of the various issues involved.

In this regard, we value and will carefully consider the public's feedback before arriving at a decision.

Readers with views on the proposed integrated entertainment resort are invited to write to the Ministry of Trade and Industry at 100 High Street, #09-01, The Treasury (179434); or to fax your feedback to 6332 7260, or to e-mail:

Lim Chuen Ni (Ms)
Senior Assistant Director/Corporate Communications (Head)
for Permanent Secretary Ministry of Trade and Industry

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