Rhu or Casuarina
Casuarina equisetifolia
Family Casuarinaceae
Oct 2016
Where seen? This tree with delicate needle-like twigs and
distinctive cones is commonly grown on our seaside parks. It is also
often seen growing wild on our shores. According to Hsuan Keng, these
trees were probably wild originally between Tanjung Rhu and Changi.
Tanjung Rhu has since been reclaimed and the East Coast Highway now
lies on the the reclaimed land. According to Giersen, it is found
on sandy or rocky beaches and back mangroves. According to Burkill,
the tree "demands sandy shores and is limited in a wild condition
in Malaya" but planted extensively. According to Giersen, it
is common on sandy coasts, low dunes and sandy mangroves. Originally
from India, the Pacific Islands, northeastern Australia and throughout
Southeast Asia. They have also be introduced in many other countries.
According to Corners, the seeds sprout in hot, open sand above the
high-water mark and the young plants grow quickly, often form a thicket
that eventually forms a Casuarina forest. The plants cannot settle
under shade and thus form only on sandy shores that are advancing
into the sea. In a suitable spot, the tree grows rapidly. The tree
is also often planted inland, not so much for its shade but more as
a wind break. "While the wind may blow hats off on the shore",
behind a depth of three Casuarina trees, the air is "still and
heavy". This is attributed to the fine twigs that break the wind.
At first sight mistaken for a conifer (a non-flowering plant), this
tree is actually a flowering plant. While the pine-needles of a conifer
are true leaves, those of the Casuarina are merely twigs, with the
leaves reduced to tiny teeth.
The most common species is Casuarina equisetifolia (which some
say should be called C. littorea) which has narrow, unbranched
needle twigs, while the other species have branched or thicker twigs.
Features: Large tree up to 50m
tall with a girth up to 3m. Bark brown, ridged and fissured, flaky
in oblong pieces. The Casuarina also harbours nitrogen fixing bacteria
in nodules in its roots, thus allowing it to grow in apparently infertile
Leaves are reduced to tiny, pointed scales arranged in whorls of 6-10
at the joints of twigs. The 'needle-twigs' are greenish and photosynthesis
takes place in these twigs instead of the tiny leaves.
The flowers are tiny and wind pollinated. Male and female flowers
usually grow on separate trees. The tiny male flowers appear on short
spikes (1.5-3cm long). Female flowers appear as pink fluffy bits on
a short stalk. These turn into green cones. When ripe, the cones turn
brown and the bracts on the cone open up, releasing small winged nuts.
The cones are dispersed by water.
Human uses: According to Burkill, the tree was planted
where it was desired to allow the soil to dry, as well as to check
erosion and to fix drifting sand. It was also planted in India as
firewood. Some consider it the best firewood as it will burn even
when green. The timber is stronger than teak but splits much. It is
sometimes used for beams and rafters, as well as for masts and other
heavy duty uses. The bark is used to treat dysentery and diarrhoea,
the twigs to treat swellings. According to Giersen, the heavy hard
timber makes excellent firewood and charcoal and is sometimes used
as beams. The bark yields a resin that is useful for tanning. |
Pulau Semakau,
Mar 09

Growing on rocky
St. John's Island, Aug 09

True leaves
reduced to tiny scales.
Pulau Semakau, Mar 09

Young fruit.
Pulau Semakau, Mar 09
Female flowers.
Pulau Semakau, Mar 09
Male flowers.
Pulau Semakau, Mar 09
Pulau Semakau,
Mar 09

fruit, split open to release seeds.
Semakau, Mar 09
trees on Singapore shores |
- Casuarina
equisetifolia on Total Vascular Flora of Singapore Online:
photos and fact sheet.
- Casuarina
equisetifolia on the NParks Flora and Fauna website: photos
and fact sheet.
- Giesen, Wim
and Stephan Wulffraat, Max Zieren and Liesbeth Scholten. 2006.
Guidebook for Southeast Asia (PDF online downloadable).
RAP publication 2006/07 Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok.
- Tanjung
Rhu Road on infopedia on the National Library website.
- Hsuan Keng,
S.C. Chin and H. T. W. Tan. 1990, The
Concise Flora of Singapore: Gymnosperms and Dicotyledons.
Singapore University Press. 222 pp.
- Tee Swee
Ping and Wee Mei Lynn (eds). 2001. Trees of our Garden City.
National Parks Board. 202 pp.
- Wee Yeow
Chin. 1992. A
Guide to Medicinal Plants. The Singapore Science Centre.
- Corners,
E. J. H., 1997. Wayside
Trees of Malaya: in two volumes.
Fourth edition, Malayan Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur. Volume 1:
1-476 pp, plates 1-38; volume 2: 477-861 pp., plates 139-236.
- Burkill,
I. H., 1993. A
Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula.
3rd printing. Publication Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur. Volume 1: 1-1240; volume 2: 1241-2444.