Brownlowia tersa
Family Malvaceae
Jan 2013
Where seen? A rather drab shrub that is often overlooked.
Some can be seen at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Kranji Nature Trail,
Mandai mangroves and at Woodlands Park. Elsewhere, it is also considered
rare, although it can be abundant where it is found. It is said to
grow in relatively sunny locations in mangrove swamps, and along creeks
where mud is accreting. Also found on sandy shores or firm mud, along
with Nipah palm (Nypa fruticans).
It is also called 'Durian laut' in Malay which means 'Durian of the
sea' probably because the green-above-silvery-below leaves resemble
those of the Durian tree. Other than that, it doesn't have much resemblance
to the true Durian tree.
Features: A shrub 1.5-2 m tall.
Leaves narrow and oval, thin or leathery (8-12cm long). The upper
surface is glossy and smooth, while the lower surface is grey-green
and covered with a dense layer of tiny, hairy scales. The leaves are
spirally alternate.
Flowers tiny (less than 1cm), emerging in axils or at the ends of
branches in clusters on stalks up to 4 cm long. The flower pink petals
and fluffy yellow stamens.
Fruits tiny (1.5cm) a woody capsule or nut.
There are two species of Brownlowia recorded for Singapore.
According to Hsuan Keng, Brownlowia argentata grows on brackish
tidal sandy soil and is rare, and was recorded at Kranji. While Brownlowia
tersa grows in mangroves and was recorded for Kranji and Sungei
Human uses: According to Giesen,
the timber is sometimes used for fencing or as fuelwood.
and threats: Brownlowia argentata is considered
'Presumed Nationally Extinct' while Brownlowia tersa is 'Endangered'.
on the Red List of threatened plants of Singapore.

glossy above, hairy below.
Mandai, Mar 11

pink flowers.
Woodlands Park, Apr 09

Woodlands Park, Apr 09

Mandai, Mar 11

Woodlands Park, May 09

Mandai, Mar 11
air on Singapore shores |
- Brownlowia
tersa on Total Vascular Flora of Singapore Online: photos
and fact sheet.
- Brownlowia tersa on NParks Flora and Fauna website: photos and fact
- Giesen,
Wim and Stephan Wulffraat, Max Zieren and Liesbeth Scholten. 2006. Mangrove
Guidebook for Southeast Asia (PDF online downloadable).
RAP publication 2006/07 Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok.
- Hsuan Keng,
S.C. Chin and H. T. W. Tan. 1990, The
Concise Flora of Singapore: Gymnosperms and Dicotyledons.
Singapore University Press. 222 pp.
- Tomlinson,
P. B., 1986. The
Botany of Mangroves
Cambridge University Press. USA. 419 pp.
- Davison,
G.W. H. and P. K. L. Ng and Ho Hua Chew, 2008. The Singapore
Red Data Book: Threatened plants and animals of Singapore.
Nature Society (Singapore). 285 pp.
- Corners,
E. J. H., 1997. Wayside
Trees of Malaya: in two volumes.
Fourth edition, Malayan Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur. Volume 1:
1-476 pp, plates 1-38; volume 2: 477-861 pp., plates 139-236.
- Burkill,
I. H., 1993. A
Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula.
3rd printing. Publication Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur. Volume 1: 1-1240; volume 2: 1241-2444.