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Small mudskippers
How to tell them apart?
updated Sep 2020

Confusing mudskippers Several different kinds of small mudskippers look very similar. Here's more on how to tell them apart.

Dusky-gilled mudskipper
(Periophthalmus variabilis)
Body slender. First dorsal fin close to second dorsal fin. Iridiscent bluish speckles on head and body. On the underside, has blackish area near the gills.
Pectoral and tail fins reddish at the margins.

Slender mudskipper
(Periophthalmus gracilis)
Body slender. First dorsal fin small. Large gap between the first dorsal fin
and second dorsal fin.
Pectoral fins not reddish.

Silver-lined mudskipper
(Periophthalmus argentilineatus)
Body stout. Bright silvery fine bars along the side of the body. Small gap between first dorsal fin and second dorsal fin. Pectoral fins not reddish.

Yellow-spotted mudskipper
(Periophthalmus walailakae)
Body stout. No Iridiscent bluish speckles. Pectoral fins not reddish.
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