Eurythoe complanata*
Family Amphinomidae
Oct 2019
seen? This large active bristleworm is often encountered
on many of our shores. On coral rubble near living reefs and seagrasses.
It is especially active at night, foraging busily among the rubble.
During the day, the worms are often hidden under stones.
What is a bristleworm? It is a segmented
worm belonging to the Class Polychaeta,
Phylum Annelida. The polychaetes include bristleworms, and Phylum
Annelida includes the more familiar earthworm. Many members of the
Family Amphinomidae are known as fireworms because of the burning
pain they produce when handled.
Features: About 10-20cm long.
Body flat, broad, tapered at both ends. Along the body are two rows
of 'bunches' of bristles; long transparent bristles on the upperside,
and a row of shorter bristles along the underside. For each pair of bristle 'bunch' there is a short tuft. Colours greenish
or pinkish, sometimes the tufts are red.
According to Leslie Harris, these worms belong to Family Amphinomidae,
and appear to be Eurythoe complanata. There is some debate
over whether this is one widespread species or a complex of species
that look similar.
worms! The bristles are sharp easily penetrating bare skin. The bristles are filled with toxins. When irritated, the bristles are erected and break off easily, releasing the toxic contents into the wound. These cause a burning sensation, intense itching, inflammation
and numbness that can last for days and even weeks.
How to stay safe: Wear covered shoes and long pants to cover all skin exposed
to water. Do not touch bristleworms. |
What do they eat? They feed on coral polyps, sponges, anemones, hydroids and ascidians. They lack jaws but suck out the juices of their prey. |

Sentosa, Jul
05 |

Front of the worm. |

Rows of bristle 'bunches'
with tufts. |

Mar 05 |
identification. Species are difficult to positively identify without close
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience of
bristleworms on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |

Punggol, Jun 12
shared by Marcus Ng on flickr. |

Pulau Sekudu, Oct 11
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on his
blog. |

Sentosa Serapong, Dec 20
shared by Vincent Choo on facebook. |

Lazarus Island, Feb 11
shared by James Koh on his
blog |
Hairy crab eating a Reef bristleworm.
Cyrene Reef, Oct 08
shared by Toh Chay Hoon on flickr. |
Pulau Semakau,
Nov 09
shared by Geraldine Lee on her
blog. |

Pulau Semakau South, Feb 16
shared by Jianlin Liu on facebook. |

Terumbu Pempang Tengah, Nov 18
shared by Gina Tan on facebook. |
Raya, Mar 09
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on his
flickr. |
With grateful thanks to Leslie H. Harris of the Natural
History Museum of Los Angeles County for comments on this worm
and a tentative identification.
- Humann, Paul
and Ned Deloach. 2010. Reef
Creature Identification: Tropical Pacific New World Publications.