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  Letters to the Straits Times, 2 Feb 05
At last, an NMP to promote 'green' causes

I REFER to Nominated MP Dr Geh Min's speech in Parliament recently about preserving our natural heritage. Cutting down old native trees (to make way for development) and replacing them with non-native plants and trees is actually subtracting from our rich biodiversity.

By planting and replanting alien species in our parks and estates, we are depriving our local fauna of valuable food sources and nesting/breeding habitats which will eventually lead to the extinction of our insects and birds.

At last, we have a member of Parliament to voice the serious concerns of environmentalists, green groups and concerned citizens. Keep up the good work, Dr Geh Min.

Grant W. Pereira
Head Green Volunteers Network
Singapore Environment Council

  News articles are reproduced for non-profit educational purposes.

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