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Phylum Arthropoda > Subphylum Crustacea > Class Malacostraca > Order Decapoda > Brachyurans > Superfamily Ocypodoidea
Crabs with long eyes on Singapore shores
updated Apr 2020

Some crabs with long eye stalks are sometimes seen on some of our sandy shores.
Here's more on how to tell them apart.

Porcelain fidder crab
(Uca annulipes)
Orange fiddler crab
(Uca vocans)
Sentinel crab
(Macrophthalmus sp.)
Eyes on long stalks. Eyes on long stalks. Eyes on long stalks.
Males have one enlarged pincer. Males have one enlarged pincer. Both males and females have equal sized pincers.
Outside of pincer is smooth and does not have a triangular depression.
Outside of the pincer is bumpy.
The tips of the claws are flattened and sabre-like.
The movable upper finger extends past the immobile lower finger.
The immobile lower finger is orange or yellow and has a long groove on the outside.
Inside of the pincer, there is a diagonal ridge of bumps.
Inside of the pincer, there is a straight ridge of bumps.
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