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Worms > Phylum Annelida > Class Polychaeta > Order Sabellida > Family Sabellidae
Photo index of feathery marine worms on Singapore shores
Worms with feathery heads
Size given is diameter with fan extended

Banded fanworm
awaiting identification

Blue fanworm
awaiting identification

Olive fanworm
awaiting identification

Orange fanworm
awaiting identification
6-8cm. Banded white and brown. Usually alone. In living hard coral and coral rubble. Commonly seen on many of our shores. 6-8cm. Banded bluish, brown and white sometimes with bright yellow. Usually alone. In sand near coral rubble. Sometimes seen on our Northern shores. 6-8cm. Olive brown sometimes with tinges of black. Usually alone. In silty sand near seagrasses. Sometimes seen on some of our shores. 4-6cm. Orange or yellowish, sometimes with paler portions or pale bands. Usually alone. In coral rubble. Commonly seen on many of our shores.  
NOT fan worm

Spotted fanworm
awaiting identification

Tiny sand fanworm
awaiting identification

White spiral fanworm
awaiting identification

Cerianthid phoronid worm
Phoronis australis

Phylum Phoronida
3-4cm. Pale with faint bands of brown and orange and tiny black spots on the 'ribs' of the feathery tentacles. In silty sand near seagrasses. Sometimes seen on Changi. About 1cm. White with brown portions that result in a chevron banded pattern. Silty sheltered lagoons. Sometimes seen on some of our shores. 2-3cm. Fan in a double or triple spiral. White with tiny maroon spots on the 'ribs'. Often seen in groups of 5 or more. Sandy areas near coral rubble. Sometimes seen on some of our shores.   1-2cm. A pair of spiralling black fans on top of tubular unsegmented body. Associated with peacock anemones. Commonly seen on some of our Northern shores.

*Species are difficult to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience of display.

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