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Phylum Mollusca > Class Gastropoda > Limpets
Various kinds of limpets
How to tell them apart?
updated Aug 2020

Limpets Look-alike Different kinds of limpets may look very similar from above, especially when the shell is covered with encrusting algae or organisms. But they look very different underneath. Please don't pry limpets off the rocks. They cling so tightly that you will hurt them if you do so. These photos were taken by gently encouraging the limpets to move onto the glass.

Smooth limpets
Cellana sp.
Family Nacellidae
Star limpets
Patelloida sacchroides
Family Lottiidae
Guam false limpets
Siphonaria guamensis
Family Siphonariidae
There is no hole
at the top of the shell.
There is no hole
at the top of the shell.
There is no hole
at the top of the shell.
True limpets breathe through gills. This one has a ring of gill leaflets along the edge of its body True limpets breathe through gills. This one has one feathery gill on the side of the body. False limpets breathe through lungs instead of gills.

More comparisons

Keyhole limpet
Diodora sp.
Family Fissurellidae
Hoof-shield limpet
Scutus sp.
Family Fissurellidae
Order Placophora
These true limpets have a hole
at the top of the shell.
These true limpets have a body
that is much larger than the shell.
This is not a limpet, but a strange kind of mollusc with 8 overlapping plates.

how to tell apart animals with conical shells found on rocks
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