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wild photos: Changi Beach 2 Jul 04, 3am
We went back to Changi Beach on 2 Jul (Fri) for another pre-dawn super low tide look. This time, we took a really good look at the tube worms and were surprised at how beautiful they are. But they certainly have "faces" only their mothers could love. On the other hand, the sea pens were true beauties that all could appreciate. The sea urchins were still in abundance, and there were pipefishes everywhere.
click on photo for enlargement
tube worm closeup of tube worm      
sea pen close up of sea pen anemone eating sea pen sea anemone  
  stack of sea urchins! sea urchin fanworm brittlestar
    scorpionfish pipefishes eeltail catfish
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these blog entries were first uploaded on MoBlog Singapore! Celebrate Singapore NDP 04
website©ria tan 2004